Collaboration and Social Communication

Collaboration and Social Communication

Better software for a better velocity to the business
Collaboration and Social Communication

Organizations are in a constant race to gain competitive distinction for faster growth. In the absence of an advanced and effective tool, businesses face challenges like scattered collaboration, difficult to manage collaboration environment, poor knowledge transfer and management. The only way to achieve this competitive edge is through strong real-time collaboration and social communication solutions.

The Collaboration and Social Communication services developed at ProCognitive Solutions are combined with security, identity management, and mobile access capabilities in turn delivering extensive community, collaboration, content, document, and knowledge management capabilities.

With ProCognitive Solutions vast experience and deep expertise in a wide pool of technologies, our services are developed to achieve a competitive edge in the large businesses.

  • Faster, cheaper, and higher level of quality and user satisfaction through methodology developed by our experts. 
  • Alignment & Implementation of IT with the business objectives 
  • Efficient acquisition and maintenance costs resulting in to lowering your TCO 
  • Market-leading products and open source technologies for reliable and scalable enterprise systems
  • Maintain competitive edge by using best practices catered to various industries

Our Collaboration and Social Communication service offerings includes:

  • Software system acquisition ,assessment and Maintenance 
  • Business analytics, requirements analysis, documentation & Solution architecture 
  • Open Source security, scalability & Governance 
  • On-premise and Off-premise global delivery 
  • Infrastructure scalability and architecture 
  • 24/7 maintenance and support services