Cybersecurity Services

Cybersecurity Services

Protecting your digital world, one click at a time.
What's At Stake For Your Business?
“With so many companies falling victim to cybercrime costing them thousands of dollars or worse forcing them into bankruptcy, we implement programs for businesses of all sizes that drastically reduces risk and keeps data assets safe and secure"

3 questions every business owner must ask about their network security...

What are your most important data assets? Start by looking at your data. You have more than you think.
Who would want your data, and how would they get it? What would make applications or data inaccessible to your business?
Would you know in time to stop a data breach or outage?

“Cyber attacks are getting harder to spot and the stats are indicative of this as the average time taken to detect a breach is 205 days according to a report done by FireEye.”

  1. Ransomware:

    These are financially motivated attacks that are targeting small businesses in your city every day. If you were to be attacked by ransomware today, would you pay the ransom? And if you did pay, what guarantees would you have about gaining your data back?

  2. Hacktivism:

    Another grave danger! Confidential emails have revealed ugly and brand-damaging information, ruining Companies’ reputations. Information that has caused, at a minimum, embarrassing reputation issues. We’re powerless to stop these attacks! When you’re attacked, it’s up to you to find a way to survive.

  3. Nation-State Sponsored:

    Read the news and you’ll see daily occurrences of espionage originating from China, Russia, & more recently, in Germany.

    “Responsible intelligence gathering.” In other words, every government with the capability to spy online is increasingly doing so.

  4. Unexpected Cyber Criminal…Who is it…?

    It can be your internal people. A recent Wall Street Journal study revealed over 75% of employees steal from the companies they work for. If an employee is looking for a better opportunity (or gets terminated for any reason) it is highly likely they will want to take data with them. It is important to understand that desperate people steal. 

Our action steps
Start your cybersecurity journey now with a Vulnerability Assessment.
Assess Impact VS Likelihood of a damaging breach & uncover all potential vulnerabilities while providing recommendations of remedies.
ProCognitive will provide an asset focused Assessment Report


  • Executive Summary
  • Urgent Issues
  • Critical Data Assets
  • Detailed Threat Analysis
  • Application Threat Analysis
  • Remediation
  • Recommendation
  • Security Maturity Roadmap

Ready to put the right security in place for your business?

Fill out the contact form on your left & we will call you to setup a short 10 minute discovery session to get started. remember, there’s no risk to talk with us about your business and you can stop the process any time. Allow us to look under your hood, we’ll help you discover potential problems before they impact your business. if everything looks good, we’ll tell you! however, if we do discover symptoms of a growing threat, we’ll diagnose them to ensure you’re not left to catastrophic damage & loss.

Cyber Security & IT Solutions Simplified. OWN IT, SECURE IT, PROTECT IT!

ProCognitive works with businesses, communities, & governments at every level to secure critical infrastructure from cyber threats. Cyberspace & its underlying infrastructure are vulnerable to a wide range of risks. Sophisticated cyber actors & nation-states exploit vulnerabilities to steal information, and money, & is very quickly adapting techniques and developing capabilities to disrupt, destroy, or threaten the delivery of essential services. ProCognitive is working to strengthen the cyber ecosystem’s security, resilience, and workforces to protect critical services against today’s relevant threats and using AI techniques and crowdsourcing to detect new and emerging threats early. ProCognitive Solutions Enterprise Security Program range from multilayer security posture, Vciso (Virtual Cyber Security Officers, SOC, Pen testing, EDR, Proactive Threat Hunting, Threat Intelligent, Vulnerability risk assessments, Detection AI, Cyber security Control Framework, End Point Security Monitoring & Incident Response & remediation provide businesses with security expertise with a comprehensive compliance foundation. The best part is that you’re never limited to one individual’s expertise with access to our entire team. Explore the Cybersecurity Services ProCognitive Solutions offers To Protect Your Business Today!

Trust in ProCognitive

Your business can have a trusted advisor on call to help you prevent a cyber incident or react if one occurs. Our first goal is to help our clients mitigate any risk of a cybercrime incident from occurring. We accomplish this by providing recommendations, analysis & training on how to prevent a breach.